Dolphin Frameworks version

Frank Reininghaus frank78ac at
Tue Jun 3 08:33:05 BST 2014


since people have started to find bugs in the frameworks branch, we
should probably create a new version at (currently, all
these bugs have the version 'unspecified').

We have been using the version of kdelibs, i.e., KDE_VERSION_STRING,
for some time, but I think that this does not make much sense for the
frameworks branch because the release schedules of the frameworks
libraries and the applications will not be in sync. Moreover, a
version like "5.0.0" would make people believe that the Qt5/KF5-based
Dolphin is a stable product which is ready for end-users, but that is
currently not the case.

I propose to use a version like 4.80, which makes it clear that it's
unstable, and which is greater than all previous Dolphin versions. If
there are better ideas, please reply to this message :-) If that is
not the case, I'll change the version in the code and create the
version at in the next few days.

Thanks and best regards,

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