Titles in dock widgets of dolphin, necessary or remove them completly?

Daniel Kreuter daniel.kreuter85 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 17:37:45 GMT 2013

Hey guys,

I'm currently working on a solution for the following bug:

I want to discuss some possible solutions with you here before 
implementing them in dolphin.

But at first the problem:
The default setting of dolphin is, that each dock widget (places, 
information, terminal or folders) is locked right from the beginning. 
While locked, the title of the dock with additional controls is hidden, 
so far so good.

When you now unlock them, the title bar will appear, telling you the 
name of the dock + additonal buttons for resizing or closing the dock.
Now to the problem:
The places dock has the name Places by default which is not very 
surprising. Since KDE 4.9 (if I remember correct) we have additional 
category names for the places dock like places (uhoh twice?) or devices.
As you may read between the line, Places appears now twice.

So what possible solutions may be there?

1) Remove the title of the places dock. Frank thought that this may 
cause the dock to be not draggable any more. I tested this and you are 
able to drag it so no problem would be possible so far.
Problem: You now have one dock without a title and some with title, 
doesn't look constistent.

2) Remove the title from all docks. Would be quite consistent and I 
think this change won't distract users too much since the title isn't 
visible as long as each dock is locked (which is the default)

3) Make each panel unlock only one at a time which would be quite nice, 
but not as easy to implement (duplication of actions f.e.), maybe by 
introducing a new action for the context menu so the user has the 
choice, would lead to the initial problem with double name.

What would be your prefered option?

So long


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