hide/change the lineedit widget when renaming inline in Dolphin

Frank Reininghaus frank78ac at googlemail.com
Wed Sep 5 17:16:24 BST 2012


thanks for your message!

2012/9/5 Panos:
> Hi,
> When renaming items inline in Details view, it would look more polished if the whole lineedit didn't appear. I'm just making I guess that the widget that holds the item name is Qt's default delegate editor, a lineedit. Although I think reimplementing the default delegate only for this is probably too much of a hassle, I'd like to give it a try so I can get deeper in Dolphin's code. If you think that is worth it, I'd appreciate some advice about where to start.

I'm not sure if I understand correctly what you mean. Do you want to
prevent that the frame around the text edit is shown?

The code for inline renaming is mostly inside KItemListRoleEditor, a
subclass of KTextEdit, in
dolphin/src/kitemviews/private/kitemlistroleeditor.*. Changing
anything about the looks of the editor will probably require a lot of
work, a lot of code and might cause new bugs (consider that there are
lots of different styles).

Best regards,

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