Dolphin plugin for ownCloud
Dominik Schmidt
domme at
Mon Nov 5 21:43:03 GMT 2012
Hey Frank,
On 05.11.2012 16:23, Frank Reininghaus wrote:
> I haven't worked on any plugins myself either yet, but I'm afraid that
> two different plugins will be necessary indeed.
urgh, that's pretty shitty UX wise :-\
>> Bummer once again. If I go for implementing it myself, would there be any
>> interest to take it upstream? (good code assumed ofc) :)
> I don't know if it's actually up to me to decide this because
> KVersionControlPlugin2 isn't even part of Dolphin...
> Do you mean that you would add a way to replace the currently used
> icons for the different ItemVersions? Or rather add new ItemVersions?
I mean to create a new interface, which is more powerful: allows setting
icon overlays everywhere, allow context menu creation everywhere like
KAbstractFileItemActionPlugin.. (and the KVersionControlPlugin could be
made a subclass maybe) dunno how performant that can be done.. it would
be part of libkonq, no? Then this is still the right list to discuss,
isn't it?
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