KHTMLPart executeScript() infinite loop

sebaro sebaro at
Thu Apr 14 09:13:46 BST 2011


I have a problem with executeScript() in a KHTMLPart.
I want to execute external scripts in websites.
The folowing does the job:

m_part = dynamic_cast<KHTMLPart *>(parent);
void slotApplyScript()
    if (!scriptContent.isEmpty()) {

but if the script contains something like:

document.getElementById('someElID').innerHTML = '<object  
document.getElementById('someElID').innerHTML = '<embed  
document.getElementById('someElID').innerHTML = '<iframe  
where someDataPath is a path to a multimedia file or a web page document,

KHTMLPart loads, it executes the script,
then it seems like when loading "someDataPath"
KHTMLPart executes the script again, therefore an infinite loop.

I'm using konqueror-4.4/qt-4.6 on Gentoo.

I also sent an email to kde-devel and got this answer:

> Maksim's answer:

> "It should only happen if someDataPath is html (or if embed is really  
> iframe).But if you want to only run for top-levels (which is unclear  
> whether itshould), you should see KHTMLPart::parentPart()."

KHTMLPart apidocs say:

Returns a pointer to the parent KHTMLPart if the part is a frame in an  
HTML frameset.

I don't know how this could help me.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,

Sebastian Luncan
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