Supporting the MAFF web archive format, based on ZIP

Matthias Grimrath maps4711 at
Mon Mar 15 20:23:48 GMT 2010

On Sonntag 14 März 2010, Paolo Amadini wrote:
> have on the file format. There are several conformance levels in
> the specification, "elementary" being probably the easiest to
> implement and "normal" being the one that has the best guarantees
> on interoperability. Maybe the implementation can start with the
> former and move towards the latter with successive refinements,
> let me know if you think this makes sense.

I think I will start by writing ZIP files instead of TGZ, rename them 
to *.maff and work from there.

I skimmed over the MAFF specs. I am skeptical about some features, but 
I think it is better to write some basic working code first before 
starting a discussion.


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