Using the DCOP-Qt bridge (was Re: OT: Is there a way to use dcop to switch tabs in konqueror (KDE3)?...)

Kevin Krammer kevin.krammer at
Mon Jul 12 20:03:54 BST 2010

On Monday, 2010-07-12, Randy Kramer wrote:
> On Saturday 10 July 2010 03:32:56 pm Maksim Orlovich wrote:
> > You can access any slot of any widget in a KDE3 app via the DCOP-Qt
> > bridge... however, it will likely do you no good, since if the app is
> > actually hung you'll likely be unable to even place a call.
> Thanks very much for the response!  I didn't know about the DCOP-Qt
> bridge so that might be the hint I need, but, so far, no success.
> I've been experimenting on a non-hung instance of kde, and so far don't
> seem to have hit on the magical incantation to make anything happen.
> IMHO, the closest I've gotten is when I tried the following (at least
> DCOP seemed to recognize it as a command), but the previous tab was not
> activated...
> I did this:
> rhk at s17:~$ dcop konqueror-26389
> qt/KXMLGUIClient-KActionCollection/activateprevtab
> and got this "feedback" at the CLI:
> QCStringList functions()
> QCStringList interfaces()
> QCStringList properties()
> bool setProperty(QCString,QVariant)
> QVariant property(QCString)
> void deleteLater()
> void activate()
> Any further hints or links would be appreciated.

Try calling the "activate()" method on the action object you are addressing 
with the string above.


Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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