Make Konqueror's searchbar plugin work with any KPart based browser engine...

Fredy Yanardi fyanardi at
Wed Sep 30 18:06:02 BST 2009

Hi Dawit,

I've looked through the patch, and I think generally the patch is ok
to make the searchbar plugin works with any kpart browser engine (like

But there is one problem: the searchbar is enabled (and shown)
regardless of the active part, and the worse part is if the user
choose to search using the searchbar, the result is just passed to the
active part. So for example if currently active part is kate part, and
user uses searchbar for google search, what he / she gets is the raw
html text shown in the kate part. (IIRC, there is a bug report for
this problem)

One solution for this is to change the active part to be a browser
part, but I haven't really looked into it.

Best regards,

Fredy Yanardi

On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 3:01 AM, Dawit A. <adawit at> wrote:
> Indeed... That check was accidentally left there by me when I was orginally
> playing with it. You only need to check whether or not there is a part. That
> is sufficient since the install directory for the .desktop file determines to
> which application the plugin belongs ; so there is no need to check the type
> of KPart you dealing with. You only need to make sure that features specific
> only to a given KPart are invoked correctly which is what the patch was
> intended to address.
> Attached is the corrected version of the patch... Thanks.

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