Problem with saving the "ServiceName" in Konqueror profile files...

Dawit A. adawit at
Wed Oct 28 17:48:12 GMT 2009

On Wednesday 28 October 2009 13:44:23 Dawit A. wrote:
> For the longest time I could not figure out why everytime I launced
>  Konqueror it defaulted to khtml part when I had chosen webkit part to be
>  my default html handler. I finally discovered that this happened because I
>  have had saved the webbrowsing profile and it contained the servicename
>  parameter which was set to "khtml". The unfortunate side effect of that is
>  it completely overrides the user's own preference set in filetypes.
> As such should not Konqueror at least check to see if the current handler
>  for the specified "servicetype", e.g. text/html, is still the same as the
>  one saved in the profile file and if not simply default to using the one
>  currently set instead of blindly following what was added in the profile ?
>  I was originally going to suggest that this information should not even be
>  read by Konqueror, but looking at the code in KonqViewManager::loadItem
meant "saved", i.e. the servicename information...

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