outputing pixmaps from a kioslave

Xavier Vello xavier.vello at gmail.com
Wed Jul 23 03:26:17 BST 2008


I'm working on a new kioslave which outputs an html page to be displayed in 
konqueror. In addition to the html stream, I want to produce images to be 
embedded in the html page (using <img src="mykio:/image/request_string"/>).

I'd like to know the better way to output images to konqueror, which means :
    - minimal processing in konqueror (no need to encode png in the kioslave
      to decode it in konqueror, wasting CPU cycles)
    - exportable from a QPixmap/Qimage (this can be CPU-intensive, as the
      result will be cached for future use)
can you help me ?

Xavier Vello

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