Add Hide/Show Statusbar setting, OK to commit?
Elvis Stansvik
elvstone at
Wed Dec 10 16:53:12 GMT 2008
2008/12/10 Elvis Stansvik <elvstone at>:
> 2008/12/10 Elvis Stansvik <elvstone at>:
>> 2008/12/10 Rafael Fernández López <ereslibre at>:
>>> Hi,
>>>> Anyone else who could comment on this particular patch? If silent
>>>> another day I'll take it as a Yes and commit ;) The idea is, as
>>>> Jonathan says, to be able to close 111162 and also 58598, which are
>>>> both two very old bugs.
>>> OTOH I think you should wait for David Faure's OK who is the Konqui
>>> maintainer.
>>> On the mainwhile we could discuss this issue on kcd, so this wouldn't have to
>>> be committed to Konqueror, but would be a general feature.
>> Fair enough. I'll subscribe to kcd and make a post.
>> A lot of applications that are currently doing this themselves would
>> have to be modified to use this possible new functionality of
>> KMainWindow instead, but I guess that is something that can be done
>> over time.
> Uhm. Woops. Something like KXmlGuiWindow::createStandardStatusBarAction() ?
> So it seems there already is such a thing in KXmlGuiWindow. However in
> Konquerors case, it seems it won't work to just call this method
> before the createGUI(), as this will add an option to the Settings
> menu that when pressed will add a second (!) status bar. I'm guessing
> this is the reason so many of the applications I've been looking at
> have their own hide/show status bar code.
Wait, I spoke too soon. What I saw was the result of .rc file caching
on my side, so nevermind that. I have to catch a bus now though so
I'll have to look at all this again at a later time. Sorry for the
> I'm not sure how to proceed with this now actually. Ideas? You can try
> this funny double status bar behavior by just adding
> createStandardStatusBarAction() right before the createGUI() call.
> Elvis
>> Elvis
>>> Regards,
>>> Rafael Fernández López.
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