KHTMLFactory redesign

David Faure faure at
Mon Nov 26 17:05:46 GMT 2007

We've always gotten some trouble from the fact that KHTMLFactory has a dual purpose;
being the KParts::Factory (when khtmlpart is dlopened, e.g. in konqueror), and
being the repository for a bunch of global things needed by khtml.

I've separated those two things, creating a KHTMLGlobal for the global stuff and leaving
the KHTMLFactory to being the kparts factory only. It solves some life-cycle issues
and allows to remove the ugly bool clone from the constructor. Apart from that the patch
is mainly a s/KHTMLFactory::/KHTMLGlobal::/ everywhere since the khtml code only cares
about those global things, not about the actual factory. But I also improved the refcounting
mechanism which is now in KHTMLGlobal, so that we can debug the famous assert a bit
more easily: ref/deref are no more public, the API is now limited to registerPart/deregisterPart
and registerDocumentImpl/deregisterDocumentImpl. This allows to be more verbose when
the assert fails and to say:

konqueror(31854)/khtml KHTMLGlobal::finalCheck: 1 docs not deleted
konqueror(31854)/khtml KHTMLGlobal::finalCheck: Document DOM::HTMLDocumentImpl(0x10f8330) wasn't deleted

OK, I still have on idea why the documentimpl itself has one ref too many so KHTMLPart::clear() unrefs it
but doesn't destroy it, but at least I'm more confident about the KHTMLFactory/KHTMLGlobal side of things now :)

OK with me committing? (BTW KHTMLFactory was exported but not installed, it was only used by
testkhtml and test_regression, which I ported; this change is completely SC/BC).
After that, I'll try to keep debugging the assert, but I'm not sure how....

David Faure, faure at, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (, and KOffice (
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