changing Arabic font under Konqueror (Sarge-->Etch)
Luciano Montanaro
mikelima at
Fri Nov 2 10:10:08 GMT 2007
Il Friday 02 November 2007 11:00:14 Hugo Coolens ha scritto:
> I recently made the step to Debian Etch. Unfortunately the font used
> in Konqueror to display Arabic is not as good as it was under Sarge.
> I have put screendumps on my website so you can
> see the difference:
> Does anyone here know how I can bring back the font used in Debian
> Sarge Konqueror to Debian Etch Konqueror?
> best regards,
> Hugo
> p.s.1 I am also interested in the _names_ of the two fonts
> p.s. 2 The only problem with the old font was that I got a white box
> when there was a so called uplifted 'alif maqSuura e.g. on a yaa', the
> new font does perform even worse by displaying the white box behind
> the character.
Hi, my guess is that the in the newer version you are using DejaVu sans, which
has the Arabic codepoints now. I don't know the name of the other font.
You may want to contact the people of the dejavu-fonts at
with your issues with the font. I'm sure they are interested in listening to
your problems.
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