Looking for volunteer for writing CSS selectors test report

Bert Bos bert at w3.org
Fri Jul 27 18:10:10 BST 2007

W3C's CSS Working Group has just published a new template[1] for test 
reports about implementations of the Selectors module. And we are now 
looking for reports on various CSS implementations.

The Selectors module has been a Candidate Recommendation for a long 
time, while waiting for sufficient implementations. About 18 months 
ago, we fixed a few errors, which caused the specification to go back 
to Working Draft status. We expected that status to last only a month 
or two, but we never managed to find somebody with enough time to 
create a new report template, until now :-(

We believe all, or nearly all, selectors have been implemented in the 
mean time, even if not all browsers do equally well. We have a report 
for Firefox 1.5 that shows it is nearly complete. (All reports will be 
made public when Selectors becomes a W3C Proposed Recommendation.) And 
there are rumours that Prince 6.0 is a complete implementation as well. 
But we need more reports, enough to prove that all selectors have been 
implemented in at least two different products.

Are there people here who could create a report for Konqueror?

As you can see from the template, the report is an HTML file with a big 
table. At the top is some information about which product and version 
has been tested and on which operating system. The rest is four columns 
of links to tests. If a test is passed, the class attribute of the link 
should be set to "pass" (which turns the link green). Other possible 
class names are "na" (not applicable) and "crash" (if the browser 
crashes on this test).


  Bert Bos                                ( W 3 C ) http://www.w3.org/
  http://www.w3.org/people/bos                               W3C/ERCIM
  bert at w3.org                             2004 Rt des Lucioles / BP 93
  +33 (0)4 92 38 76 92            06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

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