Contact for XEmbed work
Maksim Orlovich
mo85 at
Sat Dec 29 04:40:40 GMT 2007
> Hi,
> I'm glad that a KDE dev is finally taking an active interest in XEmbed
> for KDE/Konqueror:
> Lubos? Are you out there? If you contact me, maybe we can figure out how
> the KDE/XEmbed <-> Flash interaction is going bad. And you'll be a hero
> to KDE users everywhere.
Thank you for contacting us.
I am CCing him on this message, he is more of an X guy though (and hence
more able of dealing with event loops and such), I would be the other
contact, for the KDE4 version.
In my version, I am seeing 2 problems:
1. When NPN_UserAgent returns our real UA string, on the cleanup call,
flash calls XtRemoveTimeout with a bogus value; if I workaround that it
crashes with some memory corruption.
2. Stuff just randomly stalls. I really have no clue on how to debug that,
unfortunately. (Will try DiamondX, just need some help to register its
weird mimetype).
Thats all I can say right now. Typing on a keyboard w/o working backspace,
g, or h keys isn't much fun.
> --
> -Mike Melanson
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