Clear Web History and KDE Control Center
Maksim Orlovich
mo85 at
Sun Dec 23 17:28:18 GMT 2007
<snip a very helpful report I am not sure of how to best to address at the
moment, not having had my morning tea>
> void KonqHistoryManager::notifyClear( QCString )
> {
> clearPending();
> m_history.clear();
> m_pCompletion->clear();
> if ( isSenderOfBroadcast() )
> saveHistory();
> KParts::HistoryProvider::clear(); // also emits the cleared() signal
> }
> if you remove line "if ( isSenderOfBroadcast() )" history is saved as it
> should, but I don't know if that line is used for something else.
The point of that line is so that when one clears the history, only one
browser instance saves it. That's obviously important for things like
adding a history entry (people already dislike konqueror saving history to
often -- and imagine if every single process did it!), in which case the
instance responsible for the entry is the instance saving it. Perhaps for
clearing this can be removed, though, since it's hardly a background
operation. An alternative is perhaps to change the check to:
if ( isSenderOfBroadcast() ||
!callingDcopClient()->senderId().startsWith("konqueror") )
but then one would have the same multi-write stampede from the KCM,
anyway. I suppose then the best thing for would indeed be to just remove
the check as suggested... Seems like 4.0 behaves the same.
Thanks again,
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