user-agent on msdn

Daniele Domenichelli daniele.domenichelli at
Mon Dec 17 18:34:59 GMT 2007

I tried to open some pages on msdn (for example with konqueror
(version 3.5.8 user-agent string "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;
Konqueror/3.5; Linux) KHTML/3.5.8 (like Gecko)") and I realized that
they are not rendered well, some margins and colors are wrong, stars
for feedback are in the wrong place and the page is not scrollable.
Then I tried to change browser identification to IE, Opera, and
Firefox and I found that they are rendered as they should.

You can check the differences on these pictures: (konqueror version) (ie version)

I found nothing about on the archive of this mailing list, is this a
known issue?


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