KDE4 file dialog

Peter Penz peter.penz at gmx.at
Fri Aug 31 15:33:28 BST 2007


Two weeks ago I proposed doing some updates for the KDE 4 file-dialog (see 

I fixed point 2 and 3, but point 1 is still open: "KFileItemDelegate should be 
used for the short view and details view for having a consistent look with 
Konqeror and Dolphin."

It turned out that the file-dialog (more exactly: the class KDirOperator) 
still uses the deprecated classes K3FileIconView and K3FileDetailView, which 
requires doing more changes than I initially thought. Before going into the 
wrong direction: the class KDirOperator offers the following public 

    KFileView * view() const;
    void setView(KFile::FileView view);

KFileView is not deprecated. I think it is not a good approach introducing a 
KDE 4 pedant for KFileIconView and KFileDetailView based on the KFileView 
interface, as Qt4s Interview offers already an alternative approach, so that 
no KXxxViews are needed anymore.

So from my point of view there are 2 possible approaches:

a) We leave the interface of KDirOperator as it is and make 2 private (!) 
implementations of KFileIconView and KFileDetailView that are not part of the 
public API. I think this is not nice, as KFileIconView and KFileDetailView 
would again mix the model/controller separation offered by Qt4s Interview.

b) We change the interface of KDirOperator to:
    QAbstractItemView* view();
    void setView(QAbstractItemView* view);

I did not check how many applications use the setView() interface of 
KDirOperator, but currently I'd go for approach b.

Any thoughts? Maybe an approach c?


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