KDE 3.5.7 and Beagle: file being deleted immediately after opening

Frederik Himpe fhimpe at telenet.be
Fri Aug 24 12:01:15 BST 2007

When Kerry (Beagle) is active on a system and trying to open an embedded 
PDF file in Konqueror (either downloaded, either a local file), there is 
often the problem that Konqueror deletes the pdf file in ~/tmp immediately 
after kpdf was started. This only happens when Beagle is active.

See also this bug report: http://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=25543 
where there's an audit report where it was determined that it's Konqueror 
which unlinks the file.

Do you have any idea about why this happens?

Frederik Himpe

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