Konqueror 4

Allan Sandfeld Jensen kde at carewolf.com
Tue Oct 31 00:05:41 GMT 2006

On Tuesday 31 October 2006 00:28, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> this is not true in all use cases. it's only guarantee-ably true when:
>  - the user is descending (upwards and sideways navigation is often slower)
>  - the user knows where they are going
No, descending is faster by typing, sideways navigation is faster. The only 
thing that is faster with breadcrumbs is going up.

> "throwing it away we are not!" says yoda. "letting the user switch between
> breadcrumb and editable are we, as well do we let them choose their
> default. the force may be strong with you so you use an editable bar, mmmh?
> but most weak are with the force. trees and URIs ergonomic they are not.
> them we give the breadcrumb."
That's a problem, not a solution. As you state above there are different cases 
where one is usefull. This makes it a poor replacement, and makes no 
improvements to the current users skilled in the current interface. 

Sorry if I am reactionary, but I value real users higher than potential users.

> > we should have
> > locationbar with active parts so you can click on any part of the path,
> > and drag to any parts of it.
> then you end up dealing with appropriate click-drag distances for editing.
> there lie dragons. and for the minor difference this presents from a dual
> mode bar i don't see the point, though i do see the pitfalls.

Yes pitfalls that's UI design, but as long as you cannot drag the path onto 
itself you should be pretty safe. So you can drag away from the path, or you 
can drag onto it.


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