Some Improvements on Adblocker

Philipp Hülsdunk philipp_huelsdunk at
Tue Oct 10 20:59:55 BST 2006

Am Dienstag, 10. Oktober 2006 19:57 schrieb Leo Savernik:
> Am Dienstag, 10. Oktober 2006 17:05 schrieb Philipp Hülsdunk:
> > There should be some filters already to use. Normal users shouldn't write
> > their filters.
> Why don't you write a kcontrol module for transparently configuring
> proxomitron instead? This would be easier to achieve and it doesn't bloat
> and potentially destabilise khtml, which is *the* showcase component of
> KDE's quality and versatility.
> mfg
> 	Leo

Prxomitron is only for M$ Windows.


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