Improvements on ad blocker

Philipp Hülsdunk philipp_huelsdunk at
Sun Oct 8 08:16:29 BST 2006

I am trying now to make my idea clear.
My Idea of ad blocker contains two parts.
The first part is a block-list: It contains regular expressions of sources of 
imgaes. If one regular expression matches to the a source of an image that 
image will not be shown. This part is already in khtml implemented. It is the 
current ad blocker.
My second part of my idea is to search the html code with regular expressions 
and to replace it by regular expressions. These find and replace expressions 
are stored in a list. This part allows to remove java script ads too.
It works should wor like Proxomitron or Privoxy.
Look here to know about 
Proxomitron "".
What I need to implement this is to have direct access to the html code and to 
manipulate. So could somebody tell me how can I do this. I do not know much 
of khtml and its functions.


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