Suggestion for Konquerer developers and delivering "stripped" releases

Yan Seiner yan at
Mon Nov 13 16:19:17 GMT 2006

Kimberly Lazarski wrote:
> On a tangent as an example of feedback:
> And when it comes to "RTFM" I'd like to mention there is precious little
> documentation for KDE's back end for users and admin types to RTFM. What
> is the structure of the configuration/rc/preference files? How are the
> sessions stored and how can one fix a corrupt one? 


I am a newcomer to KDE - I use xfce on a daily basis - but I am working 
with Konq/e for a project.

To this day I have not been able to get a clean answer on where to put 
the konq/e configuration files and what goes in them.

Pleas to various user groups have gone ignored, and I have not been able 
to find *any* docs on the config stuff.

I need to do things like make sure that javascript is enabled, popups 
are disabled, and so on.  I have taken to hacking the source since I 
cannot guarantee with any certainty that my config files are correct.

AFAICT there is absolutely *no* documentation for an advanced user or 
occasional developer.  There is extensive documentation for a casual 
non-technical user, but those of us in the middle ground, between end 
users and full time developers, have absolutely no reference.


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