Suggestion for Konquerer developers and delivering "stripped" releases

Kevin Krammer kevin.krammer at
Mon Nov 6 11:39:58 GMT 2006

On Monday 06 November 2006 12:06, Thiago Macieira wrote:
> OnThe Road wrote:
> >Guys,
> >I don't know what you are thinking, but if you have
> >any hope at all of going mainstream, you need to come
> >up with an alternate strategy for getting debug info.
> And we don't know what you're thinking, but you're way off the mark.
> Either way, thanks for your comments; let's address your remarks.
> Setting things straight first: KDE does not ship binaries. At all. Any
> binaries. KDE ships source code.
> Distributions ship binaries. So, if you have a qualm or suggestion about
> how to handle debug builds or debug info, it's to your distribution that
> you should be talking. It's they who make the builds and it's they who
> decide how/if to package the debug info.
> By the way, one recent trend in distribution policy is to generate
> separate debug packages. If a user is interested in submitting a bug
> report, turning his application into one with proper backtrace is a few
> mouse-clicks away, by installing a new package (which, by the way,
> doesn't impact at all run time!).

On Debian they are called kdelibs-dbg and kdebase-dbg, might be called the 
same for Ubuntu

> >To get Konqueuer to crash, using (XUbuntu 6.06), just
> >go to, select the business button. That's it!
> >Gone...every,.. single,.. time...
> No crash here. I got redirected to
> and the page loaded just fine. KDE 3.5.5 r594555

Can confirm that it works with Debian's packages for 3.5.5 (with and without 
JavaScript enabled, override and globally), however Ubuntu6.06 had 3.5.4 (or 
something like this) and those are also (very likely modified) Ubuntu 


Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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