Summer of Code idea: improve khtml zoom function

Fela Winkelmolen nimatar at
Wed May 3 10:33:25 BST 2006

I have an idea about a summer of code[1] project i would like to propose, 
but before applying i thought it would be a good idea to ask what you thing 
about it and if you have any suggestions.
The idea is about bug #42029[2]: make the khtml renderer, zooming not only 
the text, but also images, frames, tables and possibly even flash applets.
I think that right now the worst thing on high resolution screens is 
browsing the web: at their original size text often is hardly readable, and 
zooming the text easily fucks up the page (sorry for the f word, but I 
couldn't think of any other way of explaining the concept :) and in the best 
case the page will just look ugly.

Opera zooms this way for example, but i think it can look nicer (I haven't 
tried in some time, so maybe it has changed)

There could be some options like:

( ) Fast zooming (ugly), possibly using the zooming code that should already
    be somewhere to zoom images where the size is specified in the html code
    (now that I think of it maybe it only zooms images out, I have to
( ) Smooth zooming (slow), using some other zooming code (i saw showFoto        
    zooms images nicely, for example)
( ) Only zoom text (fastest)

About flash applets, I'm not sure it can be done without creating a too 
heavy cpu load (maybe using openGL? but I haven't any experience with 
that). So I ask you: do you have any suggenstions about this and do you 
think it is possible?

Another thing that can create problems is that for example a 1pixel border 
zoomed by 150% should be one and a half pixel wide. I think the best 
solution probably is using antialiasing, but I'm not sure it will really 
look nice.

I also thought to add the printing improvement mentioned on the kde 
proposals list, as it seems somewhat related:

Improve KHTML printing (make it at least as good as Internet Explorer) 
 - make fonts customizable (font size, font face) 
 - make images scalable for printout 
 - support following links (level configurable) and print linked documents  
   (similar to HP Web Capture) 
 - customize frame printing (separatly each frame or "as in layout") 
 - add an option to "print with 'align=justify'"

Let me thing what you think about it and if you have any comments, 
additions, whatever...

best regards,


##################|  Fela Winkelmolen                   |##################
##################|                                     |##################
##################|  e-mail: nimatar at          |##################
##################|  jabber: nimatar at         |##################
##################|  IRC: nimatar @ azzurra && freenode |##################
##################|  linux user #365125                 |##################
##################|                                     |##################
##################|      |##################

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