Two possible problems in khtml

Stephan Kulow coolo at
Fri Mar 31 15:07:13 BST 2006

Am Freitag, 31. März 2006 14:47 schrieb Ismail Donmez:
> Also the guy told me he can process rest of the khtml if someone can send
> him gcc -E output which doesn't contain any external reference ( references
> to outside headers etc ). I don't know how to do this, if someone can do
> this I can give the contact details in private.

small howto:

  cd <objdir>/khtml
  unsermake clean
  unsermake -i CXX="g++ -E" compile
  tar cjf forthatguy.tar.bz2 `find . -name "*.o"`

coolo at portia#khtml>ls -lh forthatguy.tar.bz2
-rw-r--r--  1 coolo suse 13M 2006-03-31 16:06 forthatguy.tar.bz2

Greetings, Stephan

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