AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: making fallback access keys configurable

Charles Samuels charles at
Thu Mar 2 22:35:49 GMT 2006

Aaron J. Seigo wrote, on Thursday 2006 March 02 9:33 pm:
> On Thursday 02 March 2006 13:43, Charles Samuels wrote:
> > refusal to do something about it come from?
> it happens to me whenever i infringe upon someone's pet behaviour. which
> is, given the range of people's taste, just about everything i end up
> changing in the UI. ;) i completely understand where it comes from; i wish
> i knew how to move us beyond this knee-jerk stop-energy thing we do. it
> really hurts the software.

Well, there's a point on changing someone's pet behavior. I agree that's not a 
good thing.  But I think we mostly agree that using ctrl to bring up a bunch 
of annoying little yellow things just plain poor behavior.  We should find a 

Perhaps a good one is to make the yellow things only visible while ctrl is 
being held down?

> >  P.S., Tobias Anton uses outlook. I propose a witchhunt. :)
> heh. i really ought to hack my kmail someday to support "user agents" so i
> can switch on the fly to piss people off randomly. "what the fuck?! aseigo
> uses!" ;)

They'd still be able to tell that you use KMail because all of your emails 
conform to standards and don't do really annoying things... like adding a 
million "AW"s to the subject line, Tobias. ;)

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