AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: making fallback access keys configurable

Charles Samuels charles at
Thu Mar 2 20:43:34 GMT 2006

Aaron J. Seigo wrote, on Thursday 2006 March 02 2:33 pm:
> On Thursday 02 March 2006 04:52, Tobias Anton wrote:
> >  Wrong answer. If they learned a shortcut they will most probably refuse
> > to learn another but rather switch the desktop system. Unnecessary
> > removal of
> versus the people who switch or, worse, never use our software because the
> current state usability. =)

We've removed plenty of little things users have gotten used to that don't 
affect usability. This one definitely does, so where does the sudden refusal 
to do something about it come from?

How many people actually use access keys in konqueror anyway?

I certainly never have. Except by accident.


P.S., Tobias Anton uses outlook. I propose a witchhunt. :)

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