AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: making fallback access keys configurable

David Faure faure at
Thu Mar 2 10:19:08 GMT 2006

On Thursday 02 March 2006 09:51, Tobias Anton wrote:
> > On Wednesday 01 March 2006 16:59, Tobias Anton wrote:
> > > You could as well be of the opinion that ctrl is just a
> > key as every other and should be treated as such. 
> > 
> > Yeah let's redefine the meaning of keyboard keys ;-))))
> > Sorry, but this makes no sense to me.
> > Alt, Shift and Ctrl are modifiers, and have always been.
> >From a user's perspective, there's nothing wrong with visualizing accesskeys
> when the modifier is active and neither with a sticky setting for the
> visualization.

I would agree, *if* the only purpose for pressing Ctrl was to activate accesskeys.
Just like Alt press+release activates the menu, because Alt is only used for
menu accelerators. But that's not the case with Ctrl! When I press Ctrl it could
be for any number of reasons, not necessarily to activate access keys.

> > > it became obvious that holding down ctrl while reading the accesskeys is
> > > very inconvenient. To keep that paradigm, yet removing the annoyance, a
> > > possible solution could thus be:  
> > ... to use another key? ;)
> The reason why I intentionally avoided this proposal is to avoid disturbing
> users that have already adapted. 

If they learned a shortcut they can learn another one - one that doesn't get
in the way of everyone else...

> > I don't think khtml should grab the keyboard when I press Ctrl
> > (since that would make Ctrl+F2 completely not-effective).
> Certainly. But is there another to get hold of at least one of the events
> between the Ctrl-down and Ctrl-up (i.e. one of F1-down, F1-up, F2-down,
> F2-up)?

Not that I know of. The window manager gets those events, not your application.
Well you get a windowDeactivated event, but this is all a special case,
there are tons of other things that people can do with Ctrl+something.

David Faure, faure at, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (, and KOffice (

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