AW: [patch] load images delayed

Mikolaj Machowski mikmach at
Mon Feb 27 12:08:50 GMT 2006

Dnia niedziela, 26 lutego 2006 23:05, Tobias Anton napisaƂ:
> > >
> > > Didn't test it but it is interesting patch. Could be used in
> > > main branch - switch behaviour according  to speed of
> > > connection (even on dial-up).
> If we only had a reliable way to determine the network speed...

It doesn't have to be precise. While I am thinking about it - why cannot
it be default behavior on *all* systems? Of course, if patch is very
intrusive and makes other things harder shouldn't be included. But IMO
on systems with much bandwidth user's experience will not change,
with smaller bandwidth situation will always improve.


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