open file and close konqueror

Markus Fischer mail at
Thu Dec 7 16:13:01 GMT 2006

Am Donnerstag, 7. Dezember 2006 16:02 schrieb Aaron J. Seigo:

> this of course comes at a cost, namely both code complexity as well as the 
> surprise a user would experience when they accidently stumble across such a 
> feature ("Where'd my file manager go?!").

Next time he'll enjoy the feature and won't miss it again... ;-)

> i can also see "fun" edge cases  
> such as when the app fails to load: the file manager will be gone ... where 
> will the failure feedback come from? 
> is having a file manager window around  
> really such a big deal?

Not a big deal, but a smooth way to handle routine action.

> that said, what might be neat is being able to open the filemanager, click 
> a file and have the editor "take over" the file manager window completely 
> (load the appropriate kpart and give the window over to it completely). this 
> would remove the whole "multiple windows" issue and probably be a lot faster 
> than launching the app separately. this could be provided as an "Open File" 
> program that would embed the file manager (or be the file manager running in 
> a special mode?) ... this seems much more natural a concept than autoclosing 
> windows.

That sounds like a very good concept!

> the downside is that it would only work with embedable components, kparts in 
> particular. or perhaps we could get -really- fugly and xembed the app if it 
> doesn't provide a kpart ;-P (yeah, i'm kidding.)

What wouldn't be so nice is, if the new app gets embedded in the browser. 
Emedded apps miss the "real" gui, are smaller in the display size and 
sometimes miss functionality.
But if the window is taken over completely, that would be a nice way realizing 
this feature.

One should still have the choice of letting the window be taken over or 
letting the Konqueror window in the background.

Markus Fischer

> -- 
> Aaron J. Seigo
> humru othro a kohnu se
> GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43
> Full time KDE developer sponsored by Trolltech (

Markus Fischer
Dreitannenstrasse 25
CH-4600 Olten

Fon +41 (0)62 296 12 82
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