[PATCH] Acid2 comment fix

Ivor Hewitt ivor at ivor.org
Tue May 17 00:37:33 BST 2005


This is a patch for Dave Hyatt's acid comment fix (acid6.txt), the logic looks 
correct. i.e. the parseComment now ignores anything between paired "--"'s 
within a comment block.
Is there any reason not to have this? or is there a more elegant way of doing 
this? or is this simply considered an "unnecessary SGML legacy"?

Also... I saw Allan's commit:

For the render eyes fix - the eyes still don't render for me, should they 
render ok within the acid test page or do they only render as a separate test 
(if you see what I mean!).


Ivor Hewitt.
http://www.ivor.it - tech | http://www.ivor.org - hedge
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