[PATCH] Konqueror adblock v4

Ivor Hewitt ivor at ivor.org
Sun May 1 07:30:58 BST 2005

On Sunday 01 May 2005 00:38, Martijn Klingens wrote:
> What about isHideAdsEnabled() ?
Works for me.

> Also, as for describing names, if I understand the thread correct this code
> filters just ads, so why not rename d->filters to d->adFilters and
> m_filterEnabled to m_adFilterEnabled? ("filter" is quite a generic term,
> which can be confusing in bigger codebases like this.)
Well... technically it is a generic image filter, but intended for blocking 
ads. I originally avoided the AdBlock name because the original code was 
lacking in features and wasn't comparable to adblock so I wanted to avoid a 
direct comparison.
I was also thought there might be resistance to adding a feature called "ad 
block" and a more generic "filter" description might me more "PC".

However, in the latest patch I decided to change the description to 
"AdBlock" , so I will make the variables consistent with the new name.

> Likewise, I'd call the config group "AdFilter Settings" or so.
The current patch did indeed change the descrptive namve to "AdBlock filters"

Hmm, I quite like the name "AdFilter" actually, anyone have any preferences 
for a name?
or AdBlocK perhaps? :)


Ivor Hewitt.
http://www.ivor.it - tech | http://www.ivor.org - hedge

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