[PATCH] BUG: 100464 Dropping text/plain on the bookmark sidebar

Daniel Teske teske at squorn.de
Thu Mar 17 01:08:59 GMT 2005


As I know next to nothing about drag and drop, I would be thankful if a
few people would take a look at this patch.

BUG: http://bugs.kde.org/1000464 mentions two problems:

One of it is: Dropping text/plain on the bookmark sidebar doesn't work.
The reporter wants to drag and drop selected text from the location bar
to the bookmark sidebar.

The boookmark_module uses KBookmarkDrag to decode the dragged data.
And KBookmarkDrag::canDecode() claims that it supports:
text/uri-list, application/x-xbel, text/plain

Strangely KBookmarkDrag::decode() can't actually handle text/plain.

This patch adds that ability, and with it the described bug is mostly
fixed. (The remaining problem is: Dropping on the toplevel item doesn't
work, but that's another bug, I think I know where the problem is.)

daniel teske
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