konqueror and css

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Mon Jun 27 19:16:23 BST 2005


I already posted this on kde-devel and I was told that I might get more
answers here. I have problem with konqueror and CSS, setting the width
of table cells.

I use a style sheet with a class definition like this:

	width: 33%;

And the HTML then uses

<td class="myclass"></td>
<td class="myclass"><a href="up">up</a></td>
<td class="myclass"><a href="next">next</a></td>

The problem now is, that those 3 cells within a row are not equally
wide. The first is extremely small, the other 2 are larger than 33%. Now
changing "%" to "px" in the style sheet resolves this! The same happen
is the last cell is empty and in the first is a link.

The problem also does not appear when I have the following:

<table><tr>< here are the 3 cells ></tr><tr><td><hr></td></tr></table>
<td><img ...></td>
<td><img ...></td>
<td><img ...></td>

here all 3 cells are equally wide. Opera, Galeon, Mozilla and Firefox
display the page correctly, konqueror is the only one that is "broken".

I also got the tip to set one cell to have 34% width, as 33%*3 != 100%,
but it didn't help either.

Anybody knows if this really is a bug (and I should file a bug
report)? Or just something the w3c-spec doesn't clearly specify?


Bridge ahead.  Pay troll.

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