Question about how Konqueror works

Vonderheid, Oliver oliver.vonderheid at
Tue Jan 18 12:21:40 GMT 2005

Dear developers,

I'm a BA student at the BA Mannheim and studying Business Information Technology. Currently, I'm writting my diploma thesis and I've got a question about how Konqueror or Linux file managers in general work. Windows Explorer uses for displaying and handling objects like files or folders so called Item-IDs and Item-ID Lists (PIDLs). Does Konqueror or other Linux file managers works in a similar way and use similar structures like Windows Explorer for displaying and handling objects or is it not comparable?

I hope you can help me or maybe can give a good link. I'm looking forward to your reply.

Kind regards
Oliver Vonderheid 
Kurs WI 02 C 
BA Wirtschaftsinformatik 
Neurottstraße 16
D-69190 Walldorf
T  +49 6227 7-65337
M +49 160-8433964
E Oliver.Vonderheid at 

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