Regular crash

George Staikos staikos at
Wed Jan 12 05:11:43 GMT 2005

I regularly get this assertion failure.  I used to have a hack in my tree that 
checked if (!attached()) there just to avoid khtml crashing so often but I 
have a new tree and it's gone.  Anyone have any ideas?  How should this be 
properly fixed?  (or where should I look?)

It happens on

konqueror: dom_nodeimpl.cpp:851: virtual void DOM::NodeImpl::attach(): 
Assertion `!attached()' failed.
KCrash: crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2
KCrash: Application Name = konqueror path = <unknown> pid = 14122

#13 0x40129573 in __assert_fail () from /lib/tls/
#14 0x41e223ee in DOM::NodeImpl::attach (this=0x8825cf8)
    at dom_nodeimpl.cpp:859
#15 0x41e2247f in DOM::NodeBaseImpl::attach (this=0x8825cf8)
    at dom_nodeimpl.cpp:1392
#16 0x41e5329b in DOM::HTMLImageElementImpl::attach (this=0x8825cf8)
    at html_imageimpl.cpp:190
#17 0x41e39b1a in khtml::KHTMLParser::insertNode (this=0x8955748, n=0x8825cf8, 
    flat=true) at htmlparser.cpp:329
#18 0x41e3b81e in khtml::KHTMLParser::parseToken (this=0x8955748, t=0x897ff2c)
    at htmlparser.cpp:279
#19 0x41e3c5df in khtml::HTMLTokenizer::processToken (this=0x897fef8)
    at htmltokenizer.cpp:1597
#20 0x41e40a5d in khtml::HTMLTokenizer::parseTag (this=0x897fef8, 
    src=@0x8980024) at htmltokenizer.cpp:1121
#21 0x41e4288d in khtml::HTMLTokenizer::write (this=0x897fef8, 
    str=@0xbfffe050, appendData=true) at htmltokenizer.cpp:1297
#22 0x41ddaf7a in KHTMLPart::write (this=0x85c4910, 
    str=0x8803698 " id=\"topMenu\">\n    <div id=\"siteNavForm\">\n        
<form name=\"brandForm\" id=\"brandForm\">\n", ' ' <repeats 12 times>, 
"<select onChange=\"window.location = this.value;\" name=\"\" 
class=\"formElement\">\n", ' ' <repeats 16 times>, "<opti"..., len=8192) at 
#23 0x41ddc459 in KHTMLPart::slotData (this=0x85c4910, kio_job=0x8b4e948, 
    data=@0xbfffe750) at qmemarray.h:64
#24 0x41de80cf in KHTMLPart::qt_invoke (this=0x85c4910, _id=16, _o=0xbfffe320)
    at qucom_p.h:312
#25 0x40edf753 in QObject::activate_signal (this=0x8b4e948, clist=0x8b4f4c0, 
    o=0xbfffe320) at qobject.cpp:2357
#26 0x4048cbf9 in KIO::TransferJob::data (this=0x8b4e948, t0=0x8b4e948, 
    t1=@0xbfffe750) at jobclasses.moc:972
#27 0x4048e7e4 in KIO::TransferJob::slotData (this=0x8b4e948, 
    _data=@0xbfffe750) at job.cpp:858
#28 0x40493f8f in KIO::TransferJob::qt_invoke (this=0x8b4e948, _id=18, 
    _o=0xbfffe450) at qucom_p.h:312
#29 0x40edf753 in QObject::activate_signal (this=0x891f1f0, clist=0x87ffd88, 
    o=0xbfffe450) at qobject.cpp:2357
#30 0x4047b17c in KIO::SlaveInterface::data (this=0x891f1f0, t0=@0xbfffe750)
    at slaveinterface.moc:194
#31 0x4047e1ba in KIO::SlaveInterface::dispatch (this=0x891f1f0, _cmd=100, 
    rawdata=@0xbfffe750) at slaveinterface.cpp:228
#32 0x4047eccd in KIO::SlaveInterface::dispatch (this=0x891f1f0)
    at slaveinterface.cpp:173
#33 0x40476a9e in KIO::Slave::gotInput (this=0x891f1f0) at slave.cpp:300
#34 0x4047a21c in KIO::Slave::qt_invoke (this=0x891f1f0, _id=4, _o=0xbfffe8d0)
    at slave.moc:113
#35 0x40edf753 in QObject::activate_signal (this=0x8a65698, clist=0x8a4d980, 
    o=0xbfffe8d0) at qobject.cpp:2357
#36 0x40edfac5 in QObject::activate_signal (this=0x8a65698, signal=2, 
    at qobject.cpp:2450
#37 0x412386e1 in QSocketNotifier::activated (this=0x8a65698, t0=33)
    at moc_qsocketnotifier.cpp:85
#38 0x40eff9a8 in QSocketNotifier::event (this=0x8a65698, e=0xbfffebc0)
    at qsocketnotifier.cpp:280
#39 0x40e7c9d3 in QApplication::internalNotify (this=0xbffff1b0, 
    receiver=0x8a65698, e=0xbfffebc0) at qapplication.cpp:2635
#40 0x40e7be90 in QApplication::notify (this=0xbffff1b0, receiver=0x8a65698, 
    e=0xbfffebc0) at qapplication.cpp:2358
#41 0x40a2fdfa in KApplication::notify (this=0xbffff1b0, receiver=0x8a65698, 
    event=0xbfffebc0) at kapplication.cpp:543
#42 0x40e12397 in QApplication::sendEvent (receiver=0x8a65698, 
    event=0xbfffebc0) at qapplication.h:491
#43 0x40e6ad2a in QEventLoop::activateSocketNotifiers (this=0x81609f8)
    at qeventloop_unix.cpp:580
#44 0x40e240f6 in QEventLoop::processEvents (this=0x81609f8, flags=4)
    at qeventloop_x11.cpp:383
#45 0x40e90c0e in QEventLoop::enterLoop (this=0x81609f8) at qeventloop.cpp:198
#46 0x40e90b2a in QEventLoop::exec (this=0x81609f8) at qeventloop.cpp:145
#47 0x40e7cb53 in QApplication::exec (this=0xbffff1b0) at 
#48 0x4006055c in kdemain (argc=1, argv=0xbffff354) at
#49 0x08048508 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff354) at

George Staikos
KDE Developer
Staikos Computing Services Inc.

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