[patch] to bug 82243 (not 88243)

Paul Temple paul.temple at gmx.net
Sun Feb 13 20:34:04 GMT 2005

Germain Garand wrote:
> > I can use closeRenderer() instead of close(), that fixes bug
> > 82243, too. Is that better? And if so, should I adjust the
> >     if (newChild->closed())
> > ?
> errm, no I don't think it's better... nor could I argue either
> way. Better is ordinarily the enemy of "good enough" :)

I don't know khtml well, but thought as closeRenderer() does not 
    m_closed = true;
you could still add elements to that node afterwards, which was 
the point you argued (though we don't have that parser problem, 
as parser only calls addChild()).

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