neglected security issue in konqueror?

daniel danstemporaryaccount at
Tue Feb 8 17:20:08 GMT 2005

a friend sent me this link this morning and it seems to me to be a real 
security problem but according to the paper, this issue was raised back in 
2001 and both mozilla and all khtml projects seem to still be affected by this 
potential problem.

i posted to kde at and it was reccomended that i re-post it here.  
It seems to me that given that removing a standard from a standard-compliant 
browser isn't much of an option, might i suggest a warning popup of some 
kind?  or is this kind of issue best directed to the people responsible for 
resolution of names like that mentioned at the above link.

lift up yourselves, men,
take yourselves out of the mire and hitch your hopes to the stars;
yes, rise as high as the very stars themselves.
let no man pull you down, let no man destroy your ambition,
because man is your brother;
he is not your lord.
  - marcus garvey

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