Konqueror ask by actions before to get mimetype
coolrama at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 22:15:40 BST 2005
Thankyou, the waiting stated of konqueror is solved. I just added
mimetype(text/html) in body of the function get(const kurl&).
But at the same time I did not understand how konqueror could detect
the mimetype when no query was given in the url( just giving
klb:/important would fetch the html page but klb:/important?new=yes
could not fetch).
Any way, it is working fine now. Thankyou once again.
On 8/25/05, Andrés Otón <andres.oton at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I think that konqueror has not a correct behaviour when openURL is
> done. Now Konqueror not verify that the minetype of data that is get
> when get(KURL url) of kio slave is done.
> You can find more information at:
> http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-devel&m=112495807729376&w=2
> Regards.
> --
> Bitácora: http://territoriodunedain.blogspot.com
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Andrés Otón Urbano | Jabber:Baxas en bulmalug.net|
> | Estudiante Ing. de Telecomunicación | Linux User: 297070 |
> | Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena | andres.oton en gmail.com |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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> Lastima y misericordia: no matar sin necesidad.
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> mueren merecen la vida. ¿Puedes devolver la vida?.
> Entonces no te apresures a dispensar la muerte, pues ni el más
> sabio conoce el fin de todos los caminos.
> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o
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