features request in KHTML for interaction with another KDE project

Sebastien Raveau sebastien.raveau at epita.fr
Fri Apr 15 20:04:23 BST 2005

On Friday 15 April 2005 20:13, David Faure wrote:
> You can set it as metadata on your Job, the key is "UseProxy" and the value
> is a URL.


> > - a KHTMLPart::listReferences() method that would return the list of
> > UR[LI]s a webpage would load automatically
> "would load"... so you mean before it actually loads them? This doesn't
> seem to go well with how KHTMLPart works. It starts loading things while
> parsing the HTML. You'd need to intercept the calls to the loader I guess -
> which means you'd have to start reading KHTMLPart's misc/loader.cpp for
> instance; and adding some hook or something there.

I understand... Maybe a simpler solution would be to use a dedicated HTML 
parser, like libhtmlparse ( http://msalem.translator.cx/libhtmlparse.html ) 
to preprocess the webpages and assign callbacks on tags like <embed> <object> 
<img> <link> <frame> <iframe>... if the KDE community doesn't mind the growth 
of dependencies to external libraries ;-)

I haven't really looked into libhtmlparse yet, but I guess I could also use it 
to quickly replace all http:// references to file:// references as a 
temporary workaround, in order to provide a quite-working release of hawKeye 
before the proxy part is implemented...

anyways, thanks for the reply :-)

PS: no need to Cc replies to my address anymore, I am now subscribed to the 
kfm-devel mailing list.

Sébastien Raveau
computer and network security student
head of the hawKeye network monitor project
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