Intergrating mht file to konqueror

Thiago Macieira thiago.macieira at
Fri Sep 24 11:40:29 BST 2004

Spiros Georgaras wrote:
>kmhtconvert_part.cpp:19: error:   because the following virtual functions
> are abstract:
>/opt/kde3/include/klibloader.h:393: error:      virtual QObject*
>KLibFactory::createObject(QObject* = 0, const char* = 0, const char* =
>"QObject", const QStringList& = QStringList())
>What is wrong? I have followed the tutorial to the letter (adapting it to
> my app of course). Can you help?

You forgot to override 
createObject(QObject*, const char*, const char8, const QStringList&)
in your class.

  Thiago Macieira  -  Registered Linux user #65028
   thiago (AT) macieira (DOT) info
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