Image accept headers
Waldo Bastian
bastian at
Tue Oct 19 17:41:49 BST 2004
I would like to change the accept header for images from
Accept: image/x-dds, image/x-portable-bitmap, image/x-pcx,
image/x-portable-greymap, image/x-xbm, image/x-xcf-gimp,
image/x-targa, image/x-ico, image/png, image/x-portable-pixmap, image/jpeg,
image/x-xpm, image/x-eps, image/tiff, video/x-mng,
image/x-bmp, image/jp2, image/x-rgb, image/gif, image/foo;q=0.5,*/*;q=0.1
Accept: image/png, image/jpeg, video/x-mng, image/jp2,
See attached patch. This fixes which somehow gets
confused by our (standard compliant but rather long) header.
Although it's nice to advertise all the image formats that we actually
support, I don't think many websites give a crap. Apart from the obvious
ones, I have left video/x-mng and image/jp2 in because I figure that websites
may actually be interested in those two.
Having a smaller header may help performance, especially if the request would
otherwise exceed the MTU size. With patch, the request size sits around 380
bytes, without patch it sits around 620
I notice that we have spaces behind each comma except behind "q=0.5,". Should
we add a space there as well or get rid of the spaces all together?
bastian at | SUSE LINUX 9.2: Order now! | bastian at
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