Some news from the spring loading folder front...

Kévin 'ervin' Ottens ervin at
Sun May 30 22:47:48 BST 2004


I've investigated a little more on the sping loading folder behavior.

I'm afraid that Lubos is perfectly right... It'll be difficult to implement 
something more sophisticated than a timer to rigger the event. Even using a 
keyboard event does not work, and it's even worse for a mouse event. :-/

From what I understand of the Qt DnD code, those events are filtered. So 
during a drag and drop operation the only events you can receive in a QWidget 
are drag and drop events and nothing else.

Maybe that will be doable in the long term... But it seems to be impossible 
now and would require Qt patching. I'd like to work on other things as well, 
and I see this as very time consuming. Particularly because I'm far from 
being an expert on Qt internals right now. I'll try to work on this again 
later if I master Qt internals better...

I've just committed some modifications to my code to avoid any legal problem. 
Now this feature is only activated if the user does not set the "always open 
new win" option. It'll be only available to the user working with the 
"browser metaphor".

I don't like this solution very much, but I can't do something better for now. 
I'm still open for comments, but please note that sophisticated interaction 
during the drag and drop operation will be complicated to implement.


PS: I'm now subscribed to this list, so CCing me is not required anymore.
Kévin 'ervin' Ottens,
"Ni le maître sans disciple, Ni le disciple sans maître,
Ne font reculer l'ignorance."

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