key navigation and visible area of the page

Arend van Beelen jr. arend at
Mon May 10 17:40:13 BST 2004

On Monday 10 May 2004 18:26, Lubos Lunak wrote:
>  Hello,
>  On a related note, I noticed the type-ahead find works differently (and
> less usefully) from Mozilla's. It always starts searching from the top of
> the page, instead of searching from the top of the visible part of the
> visible page (which makes more sense if you think of type-ahead find as a
> faster mouse-less way of navigating on the page). IMHO the code that's in
> KHTMLView::focusNextPrevNode() should be used for the type-ahead stuff as
> well. And, while I'm at it, I think Tab should work similarly too - using
> only the visible elements. Comments?
I was already thinking about changing that. So yes, I agree type-ahead find 
should start at the top of the visual part of the page. And some people on already mentioned pressing Tab after a type-ahead search scrolls 
to the element that gets focus and you can loose the search result out of 
sight. So Tab should indeed start as well start in the visual area. Maybe it 
would even make sense to let it start right after the current selection (if 

Arend van Beelen jr.

Yes, he died, but he will return to die with me again.
-- Nightwish

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