konqueror won't open links in external applications

David Faure faure at kde.org
Thu Mar 18 16:30:36 GMT 2004

On Tuesday 16 March 2004 23:25, George Staikos wrote:
> On Tuesday 16 March 2004 16:20, Leo Savernik wrote:
> > Yep, it does. However, now I get two dialogs

Ah, I was wrong. The problem is bigger than that. I didn't think of this case,
I thought in the web browsing case people wanted to either embed or save,
not open in external apps (well that's because the code first tries to embed
but that fails if 'open in external apps' is configured).

The attached patch takes this into account, can you test if that fixes it?

[Side note: why do you get "Open with 'KGhostView' if you made acroread first???"]

>   There are several ways to trigger this behaviour in konqi, even without this 
> patch.  It's quite annoying.
You could have been more precise than this general rant, but I think
I see how this happens now: when choosing "open in external viewer", right?
Same problem, in fact.
[That's what we get for checking this setting in a low-level method (KonqFactory::createView)
instead of somewhere up (decision time is mostly in the mainwindow).]

Should be fixed by the patch too... except when loading a part fails (e.g. undef symbol or BIC)
but that's harder to catch (since we obviously ask the question before trying to embed).
I guess we could still avoid asking again (after "embed or save? embed", and embedding
fails, maybe we can assume "open in external app"), but this requires bigger changes.
(note to self: openView returning an enum (ugly), or a bool* in openView (ugly),
or better: req being passed by reference, which should work now)

David Faure, faure at kde.org, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (http://www.konqueror.org), and KOffice (http://www.koffice.org).

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