ACRONYM-Tag oddities?
Nils Holland
nils at
Mon Mar 15 03:03:15 GMT 2004
Hi everyone!
Well, it is entirely possible that I'm too stupid for something, but I have
observed the following behavior in Konqueror 3.2.1:
SITUATION: There's a HTML page making use of the <acronym>-Tag like this:
<acronym title="Some text here...">Test</acronym>
In the CSS-file associated with that page we find this:
acronym {
border-bottom: 1px dashed #00cc00;
cursor: help;
RESULT: The word "Test" would appear underlined with a green dotted line, and
upon moving and pausing the mouse cursor upon it, the cursor turns into the
"help cursor" (arrow with question mark attached) and after a while the text
"Some text here..." is shown in a tooltip kind of thingie. *This* is what I'd
expect and entirely fine. But...:
SITUATION: A webpage uses the following code:
<acronym title="Now we want this text to pop up."><script>
var eventdate = new Date("May 1, 2005 00:00:00 GMT");
d=new Date();
You see, this is some JavaScript that calculates a number within an
<acronym>-tag. Additionally, we have this in the page's associated CSS-file:
acronym {
border-bottom: 1px dashed #00cc00;
cursor: help;
RESULT: The number that the script calculates is shown in Konqueror correctly
with a green dotted underline. The mouse cursor also changes into the "help
cursor" shape upon moving it over there. However, no matter how long one
waits, the text that is specified in title=""and should be shown in this
tooltip thingy does not appear.
I've been wondering for a while why this is so. Is it because in the second
example there's this JavaScript stuff inside the <acronym>-tag? At least
Mozilla and as I have been told MSIE don't seem to care, as in them the
second example works just like the first one without JavaScript does.
To check this out live, you can find something like the first example on the
website of the PHP Project at, and the second Java-script
using acronym in the forum at .
So ... can this be considered a bug and should it actually work? Or shouldn't
JavaScript be used within an <acronym>-tag and that it does not work
correctly is ok? Probably there's also something entirely different wrong
that I have not noticed yet. If somebody has a clue ... thanks in
advance! ;-)
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