Patch: improved offline browsing, rev 2

Tobias Anton TA at
Thu Mar 4 08:28:47 GMT 2004

On Samstag, 28. Februar 2004 20:55, MG wrote:
> Hi,
> as requested, I reduced the size the of the patch. Now it features offline
> browsing but without support for javascript in order to keep the number of
> affected files down.  I tried to retain from cosmetic changes.
> Websites using javascript like Slashdot will not work, but websites using
> only static urls (like images in <img src=> tags) should.

Do these sites work though if the contents of a requested dynamic url is in 
the http-cache?

BTW, the lines 
	if (queryMetaData("cache") != "reload")	
are in the code in order to prevent redirects from being cached.

Regarding redirects: you've changed the code structure for redirection 
handling. Does it behave correctly? Will requests that had been answered with 
a redirect be re-issued, unless the system is in offline browsing mode?

Would some kio guy (Waldo?) please comment on the kio part?

I'd really like to see this patch in HEAD..

-- Tobias Anton

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