search bar floats

Mikolaj Machowski mikmach at
Thu Jul 1 23:03:22 BST 2004

Dnia czwartek, 1 lipca 2004 22:13, Koos Vriezen napisaƂ:
> > I'd say it is part of wider problem: toolbars in KDE (and especially
> > in Konq) can be completely unpredictable. Also ways to control them
> > are too limited - MS-Office is perfect.
> As this thread started with such an unpredictable thing (which is
> fixed now), you might get a developers attention if you actually mention
> a concrete case (or did you expect him to doing an one-to-one comparison
> between MS-Office and konqueror).

Conrecte case?

I cannot force Konq to place addressbar toolbar next to main toolbar.  
Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Even if I succeed, save as profile 
after few days it rearranges itself.

What I liked in MS-Office?
Possibility to create new toolbars, new buttons. Attach almost 
everything to it. With these (and bit of VBA) I could turn MS-Word in 
quite decent HTML editor.

	E478: Don't panic!

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