RFC: change font sizes

Stephan Kulow coolo at kde.org
Sat Jan 31 17:06:27 GMT 2004

Am Samstag 31 Januar 2004 17:30 schrieb Martijn Klingens:
> See e.g. the following links:
> http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=820286
This talks about scaling for higher resolutions.

> > > I'm not sure we should butcher these typographical rules just to become
> > > IE compliant.
> >
> > The question is surely not what's correct or what's not. The question is
> > what do 90% of the web masters expect when they layout images together
> > with text. I can't say, but I'm pretty sure they didn't measure their
> > images in inches.
> Well, if I specify a 12pt font I want it to be the same size on both my
> screen and my printer unless I'm zooming in or out. Why would HTML behave
> different from any other typographic tool? Would it be acceptable if KWord
> didn't properly honour the DPI setting? Certainly not. Would it be
> acceptable if my 12pt font is dependent on my screen resolution? Certainly
> not.
We're not talking about making 12pt something different than 12pt. We're 
talking about pixel based defaults. You were the one bringing in discussion
IE would hardcode the resolution.

BTW: In mozilla you can customize the resolution used. But as this isn't
per website, you don't win anything with this either I guess.

Greetings, Stephan

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